So since your fuel needle is going to be in the same place for both full and slightly less full, the engineers chose to point it to full. The alternative is a fuel gauge that would never point to full and just confuses the driver. And since it's going to point to the same place for empty and almost empty, they chose to point it to empty..
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Still, the tea has to taste good to keep you interested day after day, which is why sampling and reading descriptions that act like wine shelf talkers will go a long way toward your personal tea education. There are blends with winelike complexity. Committed tea drinkers will go with an eye opening black tea in the morning and midafternoon, then switch to something milder, decaffeinated or herbal officially a tisane, not tea in the evening...
18.05.2020 02:52
Registriert seit: 29.08.2023 Kommentare: 1
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